Full name: Simen Iversen
Age: 14 3/4
Country: Norway
What would you do if someone asked you for gold/items etc. ?: "No, i have work to do."
What would you do if someone broke out a fight on the server?: Tried to make them shut up, if not, ban to next person who says an insult related to the fight.(if i have ban rights.)
Occupations: School.
How long have you been playing WoW?: Uh,... well about 3 years, 2 years on private, 1 year retail.
Favourites on WoW?: PvP
Skills as a gamemaster: High. I know the importnant commands and alot others.
Patch: 2.4.3, i can update.
Any expansions; TBC
Wotlk: No.
You do as your told: Yes.
How many hours/minutes can you be online: About.. Well in weekends it would be about 3/4 hrs, but in MTWTF it would be.. 1 maybe 2 hrs. (Study. -.-)
Do you travel alot: No.
Do you like to help people: Yeah i do If there is any possibilities for me to get a position, I'd like you to PM me!
As a GM of Paradox WoW, you intend to help players, staff, and forum moderators with anything they may need.
*warrgh thanx mate*